Discover why Harbor Detox is your best choice for addiction treatment in Orange County.

Benzos Detox in
Southern California
Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs that can lead to dependence and addiction. Benzos, as they’re also known, can cause severe withdrawal symptoms, often requiring a medical detox. Harbor Detox is a leading benzo detox in Southern California, with medical services so you can make it through this challenging time safely and as comfortably as possible.
How Do Benzodiazepines Work?
Benzodiazepines are a class of prescription medicines that help with anxiety and insomnia by slowing the activity of your brain and nervous system. Benzodiazepines are a controlled substance, and having them or getting them without a prescription is illegal.
The nervous system will use electrical and chemical signals to send messages throughout the body. The chemical signals are neurotransmitters, which can attach to cells with the correct receptors. Taking benzos tells your brain to release gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA. The primary role of GABA is reducing nervous system activity.
Some of the most commonly prescribed benzodiazepines are:
- Alprazolam (Xanax)
- Chlordiazepoxide
- Clobazam (Onfi, Sympazan)
- Clonazepam (Klonopin)
- Clorazepate (Tranxene)
- Diazepine (Distate, Valium, Valtaco)
- Lorazepam (Ativan)
Along with treating insomnia and anxiety, these medicines are sometimes used for sedation before surgery, to help with alcohol withdrawal, and to reduce muscle spasms and seizures.
Harbor Detox is a professional, expert-led Southern California Benzo detox program. Programs are evidence-based to help you get started with your recovery.
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The Risks of Benzodiazepines
Since they are prescription medications, benzos have some benefits, but there are also quite a few risks to be aware of.
- Benzodiazepine misuse is possible. There are estimated to be millions of people in the U.S. who misuse these drugs.
- They’re habit-forming and addictive.
- You can overdose on benzodiazepines.
- There are dangerous interactions between benzos and other medicines and alcohol.
- These drugs affect your ability to do certain tasks like driving.
If someone has an addiction to Benzos or they’re misusing them in any way, there can be symptoms like the following:
- Drowsiness
- Problems with thinking or judgment
- Doctor shopping for prescriptions
- Asking other people for their benzos
- Wanting to cut back and being unable to
- Changes in mood
- Risky behaviors
- Combining benzos with drugs or alcohol
- Memory problems
- Headaches
When you develop a tolerance to benzos, you need larger doses to get the same high.
Symptoms used to diagnose a benzodiazepine addiction include:
- Taking the drug for more extended periods or in greater volumes than initially intended.
- Spending significant amounts of time obtaining the drug, using it, and recovering from the effects.
- Impaired performance in one or more areas of life, including at home, school, or work.
- Withdrawal symptoms occur when not using benzos or cutting back your dose.
You can overdose on benzos, whether you take them alone or combine them with other substances. Overdose symptoms include:
- Physical weakness
- Confusion
- Blurry vision
- Lack of motor coordination
- Slurred speech
- Drowsiness
- Problems breathing
- Dizziness
It’s also relatively common for people with Benzo dependence to use other drugs simultaneously. This makes benzos especially dangerous, and it also makes the addiction treatment process and detoxing more complicated.
If you’d like to learn more about Harbor Detox for Benzo withdrawal treatment, contact a member of our team today.
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What To Expect with Benzodiazepine Withdrawal
When a doctor prescribes benzos, it should only be for a short period. The longer someone uses them, even when prescribed, the more likely they become physically and mentally dependent. Even if addiction doesn’t develop, a person using Benzos for an extended period can go through withdrawal when they stop.
Possible symptoms of benzo withdrawal include:
- Nausea
- Anxiety or panic attacks
- Headaches
- Sweating
- Tremors
- Muscle pain
- Heart palpitations
- Seizures
The withdrawal symptoms of any substance are usually the opposite of the effects. Since benzos are primarily for anxiety and insomnia, they are two symptoms that can become especially severe when you stop.
The signs of benzo withdrawal can be difficult and even dangerous. Harbor Detox is a benzo detox in Southern California, and we can help you during this time. Reach out to our team to learn more.
Comprehensive Treatment
Harbor Detox in Orange County, California offers a variety of drug & alcohol addiction treatment options.
The Benzo Withdrawal Timeline
Most withdrawal symptoms from benzos will begin within 24 hours after you take the last dose. Symptoms can last a few days up to several months, depending on your overall health, how long you used benzos and the doses you frequently used.
Every particular benzo has its half-life, affecting how long it takes to leave your bloodstream. There are short-acting benzodiazepines like Xanax, and with these, your withdrawal symptoms could start 10-12 hours after your last dose. Then for longer-acting benzos, like Valium, it can take a few days after your last dose to notice symptoms.
There are often three phases talked about—early, acute, and protracted withdrawal.
- The early withdrawal phase will start within a few hours and up to a few days after the last use of benzos. Early withdrawal symptoms can include insomnia and anxiety as the brain is trying to normalize without the presence of drugs.
- Once you’re a few days past your last Benzo use, you might experience acute withdrawal. Symptoms might include insomnia and anxiety, muscle pain and tension, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, clouded thinking, cravings, and more. This is when medicines are often used to reduce symptoms and improve outcomes. Acute withdrawal can last between two weeks and up to a few months.
- Around 10% of people with benzo dependence are thought to experience protracted withdrawal, with symptoms lasting for months or years after stopping.
Our Benzo detox in Southern California is a program that’s individualized to your needs to help you through a challenging time on your path to recovery. Contact our Harbor Detox team to learn more.
Harbor Detox Offers Medical Detox for Benzodiazepines
You should not stop using Benzos cold turkey without medical help. Medical detox is crucial if you’re dealing with benzo dependence. During a medical detox, you taper off drugs with professional support and medical monitoring around the clock. Medical staff can help you stay safe and improve your comfort level during withdrawal.
Like alcohol, the most severe benzo withdrawal symptoms can be deadly without medical care. You could experience seizures or other symptoms requiring medical treatment. Medical detox is structured and an essential first step in the rest of your treatment process. You can’t begin a rehab program, whether inpatient or outpatient, without fully detoxing.
If you’re ready to take the first step at our Benzo detox in Southern California, reach out today. We can answer questions you might have and help you get started.